Thursday, August 16, 2007

From the Actor's notebook

As the Actor, I turn part of the story into a drama script. I chose this scene featuring Willie and Tom and wrote the following script.

Tom-Hello Willie why are you huddled under your bed.

Willie-I had a bad dream and wet th bed sir

Tom-Come on boy i’ll carry you down stairs with the sheets.

Willie-Yes sir.

Tom-Are you hot Willie.

Willie-Yes I am mister.

Tom-You look sick.

Willie-I am sir.

Willie-Sorry for wetting the bed sir, Sorry mister, Sorry mister, Sorry mister.

Tom-I’ll take your clothes out.

Willie-I can’t go out without my socks sir pleas mister I can’t.

Tom-Why not.

Willie-My legs mister I don’t want everyone to see the marks of my sins on my legs.

Tom-Fine heres your socks.

Tom-here is your breakfast.

Willie-Thankyou mister.

Tom-Blimmin blue.

Tom-Here willie write a message on this post card for your mother

written by Oliver
Literature Circles Chapters 1-4

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