My summary for chapters 9-12
Willie’s sixth day in Little Weirwold is his birthday when he receives many gifts from people who he has and hasn’t met. Some of the gifts were sketch pads and clothes. Willie seemed surprised that he received so many gifts.
Tom looked out the window where his son and wife were buried. The memories of them didn’t seem as painful as he thought it would be.
Willie went off to draw and Zach came in and led him to a surprise party they held for him where he ate and said thank-you to the people whom had given him gifts. At the end he suddenly vomitted.
One day, Tom handed Zach a leather brown case that had costumes, his tap shoes and books. Zach showed the twins, George and Willie his tap dancing. They wanted to meet again on Friday. Willie said they might be able to meet at his house if Mister Tom says yes.
Willie didn’t want anyone knowing that he bed wets. Luckily Mister Tom said that it will be dried and cleaned.
When they came on Friday, they were impressed with William’s drawings. George tells them Miss Thorne is casting a play. Carrie then starts to say that boys get all the chances.
George asks William and Zach if they could sing in the church Choir. Zach says that he is Jewish and doesn’t like churches that much. Willie says that he could sing in the church.
Tom came in with hot chestnuts and lemonade. They ate and enjoyed the meeting.
It eventually became closer to November. Willie and Zach were one of the last evacuees left in Weirwold.
Weirwold soon became normal and William was up to the standard of Mrs. Hartiges class in reading though, he had a lot of maths to do.
Miss Thorne was producing an adaptation of ‘A Christmas carol’ by Charles Dickens. Willie and his friends were all apart of the play. Miss Thorne asked Willie to play the part of Scrooge. He did so and everybody thought he was good.
When Willie came home, Mister Tom started to think that he was sounding like him. Tom was asked to play the organ in the concert. William asked if he could play the organ and said that when Rachel his wife was alive and told William about his son and wife. William told Mister Tom that he was in the play and Tom was happy for him.
written by Honour
Literature Circles round 3 chapters 9-12